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- Anti-Mind Control - is composed of binaural beats and isochronic tones mixed with white noise. It is free of subliminal messages. The composition is designed to improve significantly analytical and logical thinking and the ability of problem-solving. Listening to this production will make your subconscious mind less prone to brainwashing, manipulation, and unwanted subliminal messages.
If you listen to "subliminals", it will allow your subconscious mind to absorb only the messages in line with your beliefs and goals, reducing the probability of absorbing unwanted subliminal stimuli. This composition is made to entirely cleanse your mind and make it become free of harmful and emotional manipulation.
Believe me or not, but society all around the globe is suffering from brainwashing on a globally unprecedented scale. People asking questions about the elephant in the room are immediately called "brainless/gullible conspiracy theorists," and it doesn’t even matter if those persons are well-educated and experienced scientists/doctors who can see the things from a different perspective. Watching TV, reading newspapers, or mainstream information websites makes us much more prone to manipulations. No wonder, as governments worldwide will show us only the facts they want us to see, and force us to perceive facts conveniently.
People are being manipulated at every step, even while shopping in supermarkets. Researches have proved that 90% of buying decisions are made subconsciously. Packages, colors, music played in the background, and many other details are specially made to affect our decisions directly. All is being set up following the recent examinations with the use of an eye-tracking device.
Of course, we can surrender, give up, and live how others want us to (which is very comfy). On the other hand, we can also stand up, fight, and think for ourselves.
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